Kyambura Gorge


kyambura-gorgeKyambura Gorge is situated in Kyambura Game Reserve in the far Eastern part of Queen Elizabeth National Park. This Gorge is an incredible feature formed as a result of a volcanic eruption that occurred many years ago. It is visited for Chimpanzee trekking, bird watching and nature walks. Kyambura Gorge is named after River Kyambura that winds through this ravine. Kyambura has one of the best views in the world and it is not hard to attest. There is that breath taking and panoramic view of the lush forest with in this gorge for miles and miles.  Request a Quote

Kyambura Gorge Wildlife

The flora and fauna in this gorge is flourishing and so full of life courtesy of River Kyambura and the smaller streams from Bunyaruguru and Buhweju hills. Its thick underground forest with fruit trees and other flora attract primates, birds, the herbivores, among others. Kyambura is referred to as ‘the Valley of Apes’ because of its incredible Chimpanzee populace. Although its Chimpanzees are not more than 20 individuals, the gorge is the only place in the park with Chimps nonetheless.

Other primates are the Black and white Colobus monkeys, Olive Baboons, Blue and Vervet monkeys. Apart from Primates, there are elephants, hyenas, buffaloes, Bushbucks and an assortment of smaller fauna. A long stretch of a lush swamp connects Kyambura Gorge with Kazinga Channel. Across, you can even hear the booming honks of the hippos.

Furthermore, Kyambura Gorge forest is another hotspot for bird watching in Queen Elizabeth National Park and Uganda at large. Your Uganda birding tour should at least include Kyambura. You are able to tick the Great honey guide, Sulphur breasted bushrike, African creck and the Shining Blue Kingfisher, off your checklist. They are common and easily spotted in this gorge. By the adjacent savannah habitat of the park, Kyambura attracts more bird species apart from the forest ones. Other birds registered here include the African Skimmer, Papyrus Canary, White Tailed Lark, Chapins Fly catcher, Papyrus Gonolek, Vereux Eagle, the Greater Flamingos, and others.

About Kyambura Gorge Chimp trekking

  • Chimpanzee trekking at Kyambura Gorge is in two sessions.  The morning session starts at 8.00am and the afternoon one at 2.00pm. Nature walks however are best done in the morning and evenings.
  • A Chimpanzee tracking permit for Kyambura is at 100 US dollars.  All visitors must secure their permits through the Uganda Wildlife Authority/Queen Elizabeth Park offices at Mweya. They are always available even without prior booking although it’s advisable to secure them in advance when expecting to track during the peak season.
  • Much like Gorilla trekking and Chimpanzee tracking in the respective destinations in Uganda, the number of visitors to this small group of Chimpanzees doesn’t exceed 8 per session.
  • Briefing for Chimpanzee tracking takes place at the trek starting point which is an hour away from the park offices. You may not need porters like in the case of Gorilla Trekking except a walking stick.
  • The knowledgeable park staff who include the knowledgeable rangers/guides conduct all the activities in Kyambura Gorge.

Best time for Chimpanzee tracking in Kyambura Gorge

The best time to visit for Chimpanzee tracking in Kyambura does not differ from that of other Chimpanzee tracking sites in Uganda. Tracking should be done during the dry months when the trails are passable. The steep ridges used to plummet to the gorge can be very slippery and pause a danger during the wet season. However, it remains that Chimpanzee tracking in Kyambura Gorge and all other activities in the Park are available throughout the year.

What to bring for Chimpanzee trekking

For your Chimpanzee tracking tour in Kyambura Gorge, you should wear trekking shoes with a firm grip, long sleeved shirts/tops, waterproof pants, have a rain coat with you, an insect repellent, a round hat with a bigger grim, binoculars, a camera, among other personal items. Carry enough drinking water and packed lunch or a snack.

Chances of finding Chimpanzees upon tracking

Chances of finding Chimpanzees in Kyambura Gorge are not as high as for Kibale National Park and Budongo Forest in Murchison Falls National Park. They are further lower than the nearby Kalinzu forest. Infact Chimpanzee sightings are not guaranteed here at Kyambura Gorge. Among other factors, their numbers are too small and being mobile and active by nature, they tend to elude the trackers.

As a matter of the above, some of our our Chimpanzee tracking tours to Queen Elizabeth Park are directed to tracking in Kalinzu forest. This is only after prior knowledge from the park staff of a probable flop in our search for them. Keeping in mind that nature is never predictable, visitors can stick to Kyambura or go for the Kalinzu forest option. Also besides the chimpanzees, there is a lot to experience in the gorge.  If you miss them, doing a nature walk alone is so rewarding for such a place of unspoiled beauty.

Other Chimpanzee trekking sites at Queen Elizabeth National Park

Please be informed about the other Chimpanzee tracking sites close to Queen Elizabeth National Park which are Kalinzu Forest and Maramagambo Forest. They are managed by the National Forestry Authority of Uganda whereas Kyambura Gorge, as a part of Queen Elizabeth National Park, is under the Uganda Wildlife Authority. Kibale National Park, the most preferred and suitable Chimpanzee tracking destination in Uganda is 2 hours away from Queen Elizabeth National Park. All these are options for Chimpanzee tracking spots while on a tour to Queen Elizabeth National Park.

Other things to do in Queen Elizabeth National Park

Combine your Chimpanzee trekking experience in Kyambura with other tour activities in Queen Elizabeth National Park. They include a boat cruise on Kazinga Channel, game drives,  tree climbing lions tour in Ishasha, lion trekking, bird watching and the community visits near Lake Katwe. Outside and close to Queen Elizabeth National park are the Maramagambo and Kalinzu forests. They both have a lot to offer to in terms of wildlife sightings. Book our tours below to experience Kyambura Gorge.

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