1 Day Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary Tour

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1 Day Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary Tour departs and returns to Kampala or Entebbe. The major activity for the day shall be Rhino tracking at Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary but as nature tends to gift endlessly, you can’t predetermine what more the sanctuary will offer you as you take a walk into the jungles searching for the Rhinos. You are to walk on foot in the company of trained and armed sanctuary rangers/guides to follow the animals as they graze.

Program for 1 day Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary Tour

Leave Kampala/Entebbe as early as 7.00am. Our company driver will pick you from your hotel after breakfast to start the drive to Nakasongola through Bombo and Luwero towns. After 3 hours on the road, you will branch off at Nakitoma trading center for 1 km to the sanctuary gate. After some check ups and other formalities, you will be ushered into the sanctuary. Meet your rangers for a briefing before the tracking activity.

Rhinos tend to wander the sanctuary as they mind their usual business of grazing and socializing. We shall have to get into the car to drive to a closer point from where we can start the trek. You will then start this awesomely unique experience of tracking these big and fierce animals on foot. Please endeavor to adhere to the safety tips shared to you by your head guide as these are wild animals that can charge sensing any possible threat to them.

After an hour of ‘herding’ these wild animals, we shall quietly leave them to carry on with their grazing. You will decide on whether to have lunch at the sanctuary restaurant or at Kabalega Diners before embarking on your drive back to Kampala/Entebbe.

What to Carry for the 1 Day Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary Tour

For the Rhino tracking activity, you will need comfortable closed shoes, long pants, insect repellents, drinking water and any other personal use items which may not bear any restriction to have them with you during the activity.

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