Explore Uganda

Explore Uganda ‘’the Pearl of Africa’’, an East African land-locked country spanning over 241,559sqkm of land and water with a population of about 45million people. It is bordered by Kenya to the East, Rwanda and Tanzania to the South, Democratic Republic of Congo to the West and Sudan to the North.

Furthermore, a third of Uganda’s 241,559SqKm is water while the forests and woodland take 24%. Uganda is a generally green country and its greenery is attributed to the conducive weather conditions. The conducive equatorial climate experienced throughout the year implies there are no such extreme weather conditions of too much sunshine or rain, everything is received in moderation. There is neither winter nor summer in Uganda instead there are the dry and wet seasons. The dry months are June to mid-September and December to February while the rest are relatively wet. Request a Quote

Explore Uganda – Reasons you should visit Uganda

Uganda is richly endowed and is a truly bucket list destination; from the rolling green hills that constitute a range of spectacular landscapes, the world’s strongest waterfalls of Murchison, the tree climbing lions, the snow-capped Rwenzori Mountains to the majestic Mountain Gorillas in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. The list goes on to include the source of Africa’s longest river – the Nile, the endangered Golden Monkeys, the Chimpanzees, Africa’s largest fresh water body – Lake Victoria, all of which are unique to Uganda. White water rafting, abseiling, Lion tracking, horseback riding, authentic cultural encounters, hiking some of Uganda’s summits, bird watching, Chimpanzee tracking and Mountain Gorilla trekking are some of the experiences that make a Uganda Safari Holiday a memorable one.

Gorilla trekking in particular, promises to be the adventure of a life time. Obviously enough, this is the prime reason as to why Uganda has to be high on the list of countries to visit in Africa. Additionally, Uganda is a primate lover’s dream as there are more primates in Uganda than anywhere else in the world. Besides the Mountain Gorillas, Mount Mgahinga National Park shelters the endangered Golden Monkeys. Plus, the world’s largest population of Chimpanzees finds life in Uganda’s Kibale Forest National Park.

Gorilla Habituation & Chimpanzee habituation

Furthermore, there is that awesomely unique experience of spending time with a group of Mountain Gorillas undergoing the process of getting used to humans which is called Gorilla habituation. This is exclusive to Uganda despite the fact that Mountain Gorillas are found in Rwanda and Congo too. It is slightly different from the usual Gorilla trekking because it allows the visitor more time (beyond the usual one hour) with the Gorillas. The same happens to Chimpanzees through Chimpanzee habituation. These habituation experiences are priceless, to say the least!

From the above, it is fairly noticeable that a tour to Uganda is a cocktail of experiences and not just the Gorillas or Chimpanzee sightings. When you fully explore Uganda’s unrelenting overflow of untouched rare beauty, you will really see it for what it truly is, “the great Pearl of Africa!” Uganda is a generally green country with the healthiest ever green forests that harbor the rarest of the wildlife. Besides the forests that shelter half of the world’s population of Mountain Gorillas and the Chimpanzees, Uganda’s low lying plains of long outstretched savannah grasslands are home to some of Africa’s finest and bravest big game/big5.

National Parks in Uganda

Uganda has 10 national parks and numerous reserves that are visited by quite a number of tourists from all over the world. Uganda’s national parks all have unique aspects which create a blend of different memorable experiences from one park to another. The 10 national parks are Murchison falls, Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Mgahinga Gorilla Park, Lake Mburo Park, Semliki National Park, Kidepo Valley National Park, Queen Elizabeth National Park, Kibale Forest Park, Rwenzori Mountains and Mount Elgon National Park. While you might easily decide to visit a few of Uganda’s national Parks, please endeavor to reach them all!

Safari Boat Cruises

Perhaps many have had safari experiences elsewhere in Africa, and where it has always been the traditional way of driving in the safari jeeps through the savanna parks. In Uganda however, the safari game drives are accompanied with boat cruises on the respective lakes and rivers located in the national parks. Nothing beats the experience of viewing the large fierce animals at a very close range in the comfort of a boat launch trip. This is for instance possible on the Kazinga Channel in Queen Elizabeth National Park, on River Nile in Murchison falls Park and on Lake Mburo in Lake Mburo National Park, among other places.

Bird Watching

Uganda is an excellent birding destination in Africa with over 1000 species of birds including the endemics. Some of the most sought after birds in Africa – The Shoebill and the Albertine Rift endemics are easily spotted in Uganda than elsewhere. Besides that, birds are everywhere in Uganda and it is not difficult to do bird watching even at the comfort of your hotel/lodge balcony as you unwind after a day’s activity.

Friendly and welcoming people

And if all that is not enough to entice you, the people are extremely friendly/welcoming. It is not difficult to tell why the African Economist listed Uganda as one of Africa’s friendliest countries. The enchanting welcome gestures from the locals as you traverse the country are so homely. Jungle Escape Africa won’t let you miss such experiences while on your Uganda Safari & cultural tour because most of our tours are planned in a way that will enable you to traverse the country side. It is our hope that observing the locals going by their daily life adds to your overall tour experience. Moreover you will explore cultures that have lived a lifespan of centuries undiluted.

Getting to Uganda

Getting to Uganda from outside Africa is comparatively easy. Entebbe, the only international airport is nevertheless a regularly served destination by many airlines with both direct and connecting flights.

Uganda has something for every kind of traveler and with Jungle Escape Africa, you have free expert advice on what to see or do plus a travel planner with whom you can plan a perfect trip to Uganda and elsewhere in East Africa. From our team of professional and experienced tour planners, you are able to get first hand and well researched information about Uganda and East Africa at large.

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