2 days Rwanda mount bisoke hiking tour

2-days-mount-bisoke-hike2 Days Rwanda Mount Bisoke hiking Tour – Bisoke Crater Lake Experience

The 2 days Rwanda Mount Bisoke hiking tour starts and ends in Kigali city/airport. It will be a trek to Mount Bisoke summit, one of the Virunga volcanoes hosted by Volcanoes National Park. Mount Bisoke or Visoke is a dormant volcano rising at 3,711m above Sea level. It is shared between Rwanda and Congo with the largest part including its summit lying in Rwanda.

Furthermore, Bisoke has a spectacular crater lake nestled in its top and is the biggest of all in the Virunga ranges. Bisoke hike takes 6 hours round trip and quite doable to even inexperienced hikers. The itinerary suggests a visit of Kigali city and the genocide Memorial site before a transfer to Volcanoes National Park.

Highlights for the 2 days Rwanda Mount Bisoke hiking tour

  • Bisoke Crater Lake tour
  • Scenic viewing
  • Mount Bisoke hike
  • Kigali city tour
  • Kigali Genocide Memorial Site visit
  • Ibyachwu cultural visit
  • Virunga Volcano climbing experience
  • Crater lakes tour.

Day 1 – Kigali City tour, Kigali-Volcanoes National Park Transfer

When already in Kigali on the first day of the 2 Days Mount Bisoke Tour, pickup can be at any place deemed convenient to you. Likewise, if planning to fly into Kigali on this day, share your flight details and we shall be glad to receive you for this trip. We are to start with a drive through Kigali city to see Rwanda’s urban life for a later comparison with its country side. We shall also visit the humbling Genocide Memorial Site with in Kigali, have lunch and afternoon start our 2 hours drive to northern Rwanda. Optional Ibyacwu cultural village experience in the evening.  Request a Quote

Day 2 – Mount Bisoke Hike and Departure

We are to pick packed lunch boxes from our lodge after an early morning breakfast and drive to Kinigi, Volcanoes National Park headquarters, for a general briefing and registration at 7.00am. All visitors for the different park activities converge at Kinigi before splitting for their respective adventures. The head trail/starting point is not at Kinigi so you will leave with your tour driver for a 40 minutes’ drive upto where you will find your rangers and guides for the day. This point is outside the park and it’s where you will be given (free) a walking stick. Hiring a porter is optional but you are highly encouraged to go with one.

Other than the guide and the porters, you will be joined by armed park rangers for safety incase you encounter some aggressive buffaloes and wild Gorillas along the way. The initial ascent is on a relatively flat terrain which gets steeper as you go on. The experience just gets better and better as you advance to Bisoke’s summit but this doesn’t rule out the fact that some parts are quite challenging. The views of a fog filled summit, crater lakes, alpine vegetation found nowhere else, Karisimbi Volcano and a lot more are some of the rewards to a Bisoke hiker. You will descend to the base where you will meet your tour driver and leave for Kigali. End of the 2 days Rwanda Mount Bisoke hiking tour.

Parking list for 2 days Rwanda Mount Bisoke hiking tour

  • Hiking shoes/boots
  • Rain gear
  • Waterproof rucksack for your snacks or packed lunch and drinking water.
  • Sunscreen and insect repellents
  • Camera and a pair of binoculars
  • Wear hiking trousers and long sleeved tops/shirts to avoid the tinging nettles.


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